
Saturday, February 27, 2016

Are Monarchs the best deck right now?

Good morning, evening, or night depending the time you may be reading this.

Are you scared or scarred by monarchs or maybe both about these guys?

For those who follow the Yugioh! meta know that maybe, and only maybe, Monarchs may be the strongest deck at the moment, however they are far from unbeatable.
These cards outright kill them:

While still VERY sideckable and badly lose to any of them(Literally they don´t have outs to any of them), they are way to fast to the average deck and have a good OTK potential on par with Kozmo and good consistence (They brick on rare occasions).

In personal experience having played with and against the deck, i can safely say they are the best deck to run right now as they are very cheap and relatively very strong, While Kozmo is definitely a good deck, it is more expensive (at least until Premium gold: Infinite gold) and has a somewhat similar consistence issues and outright die to Monarchs, Magicians-Odd eyes and watered down PEPE are still very strong and consistent, much more the latter.

To answer the question: Yes n my opinion they may be the best deck right now due to the price issue and being able to floodgate the hell out of your opponent and the OTK thing, however it is the easiest of the meta decks to beat if the sidedeck gets the job done (Ironically this is how they usually win), but never and i mean never underestimate the power of Kozmo, Odd-eyes Magician  and PEPE Vader (list did to him what Kenobi did to Anakin in Mustafar).

Monarch advantages:

Extremely fast due to Pantheism, Tenacity and Erebus & Ether deck thinning.
OTK potential due to Ether and Mithra (If she gets a good hand).
Very cheap to build.
Have an anti-meta nature.
Can Lockdown your opponent easily (Domains, Erupt, Majesty´s Fiend).

Monarch disadvantages:

Can have dead hands. (All hand with monarchs or vassals or spells not counting Pantheism is bad).
Die to sidedeck easier than other decks.
Almost all  monarchs play in a similar manner, so they are predictable.
Have problems against non-extra deck reliant decks like Kaiju or Infernoid.
If they open Edea and you negate it, you pretty much just ended their turn.

Now that we exposed ths is up to you to determine whether they are the best deck or not.

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