so here i am greeting you and saying: good morning/evening/night depending the time you may be reading this. i really wanted to make a post about the best sith lords around, and guess what? i`m doing it! so ....
Darth Vader:: would you stop talking thrash and say it`s me pityful worm? i am the chosen one by the way.
Darth Nihilus: i guess he refers to me since he has my pick in his facebook profile and you get nowhere when you are basically a cyborg with no legs and burned more than a chicken.
Darth Sidious: of course not! i was the emperor of the galaxy and i truly deserve the title, and George Lucas stated i am the STRONGEST sith lord ever! take that bitches!
Darth Bane: i am the sith` ari and i am basically Anakin and Sidious master so i win punks! BTW i moved a moon with the force.
Darth Nihilus: i ate a planet with the whole population there, so where is your moon moving feat now baldy?
Darth Revan: well i was a jedi master, dark lord of the sith and star of KOTOR while wearing a badass mask. and i did all of these at 30. say something Palp?
Emperor Tenebrae/Vitiate: well i kicked your puny ass Revan. so take it traitor.
Darth Traya: unless Nebur wants to get attacked by feminists he will surely vote for me, by the way i was the teacher of Revan and fought with not 2 but 3 lightsabers!
Darth Vader: well the exile kicked your ass old lady so take it! by the way i`m the face of star wars and protagonist of the films so even when i`m not the strongest i am the most famous one.
Darth Bane: the reason Sidious and you are strong is thanks to me, if i hadn`t founded the rule of two you wouldn`t be here.
Darth Revan: the reason you became so strong Bane is because you read my books and holocrons.. plus your apprentice/foster daughter took you down....
Darth Nihilus: you are not even a Sith in first place, second you turned to the light/pussy side of the force... and i would certainly kicked your ass.
Marka Ragnos: all right barbies i was the first uber sith in chronology, started a sith empire and kept it. i am nearly a messiah for sith that has lived in the myths for millenniums. i am the beginning of the end.
Darth Sidious: i freaking took down the jedi and became a galactic tyrant plus Lucas stated i`m, the strongest! please accept that if you have a brain!
Darth Maul: so again they are trolling about: Sidious is the strongest cuz Lucas said so, Nihilus ate a planet, Vader is the chosen one, Bane has may novels and founded modern sith, that Revan is freaking cool, ect..... why i don`t even get a mention?
everyone except Maul: maul you suck like Nebur`s grammar and you are weak as hell so GTFOU moron! you can`t even do force lightning!
Nebur: stop it! sorry to have said that but the thing got out of control here. i will choose the GREATEST not the STRONGEST in a base of terms i have been formulating a long time ago. i will try to be as neutral as possible and as cunning as possible. i really feel sorry for this massive trolling you see here, the thing is that we sith are like this and yes i`m a sith! alright let`s begin!
i do not own Star wars nor any character,pictures or techniques or objects related to them. they are property of George Lucas and i`m only doing this for fun and educational purposes.
i will rank these Sith`s in their skills from highest to lowest in a value of 10 top lords in each category.
note thet this is just my opinion and is no point to be interpreted as law or canon, if you differ it`s OK since we all have different opinions and ideas so:
Darth Nihilus
Emperor Tenebrae/Lord Vitiate
Darth Revan
Darth Plaeguis
Darth Sidious
Marka Ragnos
Darth Bane
Darth Traya
Exar Kun
Naga Sadow
Lightsaber skills:
Darth Revan
Exar Kun
Darth Traya
Darth Sidious
Darth Caedus
Darth Zannah
Darth Vader pre Mustafar
Darth Bane
Darth Tyrannus
Naga Sasow
Intelligence(note this can be military,political,philosophy,mechanic,onto logic,strategic and many others):
Darth Bane
Darth Sidious
Darth Plaeguis
Darth Revan
Darth Traya
Naga Sadow
Exar Kun
Emperor Tenebrae/Lord Vitiate
Darth Tyranus
Darth Andeddu
Resources(military,allies or whatever gives them an advantage for an all out war):
Darth Sidious after becoming galactic emperor
Emperor Tenebrae/Lord Vitiate
Darth Revan
Darth Vader after Sidious became emperor
Darth Krayt
Darth Traya
Darth Tyranus
Marka Ragnos( solo low because his resources are obsolete)
Naga Sadow(same thing like Marka)
Exar Kun(somewhat modern but not enough to be up there)
The list
the time we all have expected to see who is the top dawg in the sith history is to begin now
for those of you who don`t even know why he is here is because of this:HE IS THE ORIGINAL DARK JEDI AND FATHER OF THE SITH! i mean without his corruption all the other sith woudn`t be here in first place, despite not being able to rival modern jedi or sith, neither having vast resources or an overpower control in the force he is still the one who created what would be the sith.
despite looking like one of the most badass characters in star wars and being able to destroy a planet with ALL it`s population (plants,animals, people, resources) and being my favorite sith he is not up there. in first place he is basically a junky who depends on eating to stay OK but he can die if he doesn`t "eat" which pretty much makes him a slave to his power instead of becoming a "free" sith like everyone. his power however, won`t be minimized, ha can actually beat anyone here and there are few that could take him down. still he got defeated by the jedi exile.
first of all i have nothing against Anakin. he could have the potential to become the most powerful force user ever in history but didn`t because we all know what happened. he is the very image of star wars just think in vader and you may remember the films immediately. about his strenght i won`t lie, he can`t do force lightning because he lost his limbs and has lost a wide base Midichlorians not to mention his lightsaber style became much slower and relied much on raw force. still he is the best known sith and icon of star wars and thus deserves to be here. still Ani has done some impressive feats in the comic like destroying building, stopping energy shots, cause madness, read minds but, still he is a weak sith lord.
you may say : WTF is she doing here? well OK she may have not being a pretty uber sith much less a famous one but, when Darth Sidious and Darth Vader were gone she rebuilded the sith corrupting Anakin`s grandson Jacen Solo into becoming Darth Caedus. yes that is the sole reason of her being here, the fact she made the sith come back from a near extinction. just for the record Darth Vader was her master.
OK, the pretty guy abovce me is Marka Ragnos a very powerful sith lord who ruled in "the golden age of the sith" he ihybrid of human and sith(species). the fact i place Marka here is because he was the absolute boss during his period of rule, no one dared to to defy him much less to fight him. the opposition against him was charged with death. the fact he is here is because that when he was alive the sith had an age of prosperity and peace, his death however brought calamities and a struggle for power in the council. he is of extreme importance in the sith history. even after being a 5000 ABY sith he is remembered and honored by certain sith. his power is legendary but, he has never battled in media.
another dark lord that comes from 5000 ABY Naga becomes a dark lord of the sith after the death of the former dark lod Marka Ragnos. during the fight for the throne he struggled the power with Ludo Kreesh both being considered the peak of sith after the death of Ragnos. this brought a bitter rivalry between the two since Sadow wanted an expantionistic rule with reformatory issues and Ludo wanted a more conservative and limited rule. they fought in the tomb of Marka Ragnos during his funeral and Ragnos appeared to them just to say :"don`t waste time fighting yourselves or you will destroy what i build". however the council eventually chose Kreesh as dark lord, enraged by this Nga released some republic explorers they captured earlier and told the council that the republic released them in an act of war, after this the council named Sadow Dark lord of the sith. Sadow started an invasion to every part of the republic simultaneously and nearly destroyed it. Sadow in my opinion is placed so high because he nearly DESTROYED THE REPUBLIC and was very powerful, however due to his reckless behavior and selfish goals he ended destroying Markas`s empire.
another one of my favorites! Revan was basically a genius on everything he did. he was a master pilot, stategist, general, mechanic, philosopher, student, master, jaed and sith. when he was very young he started as a jedi (like a well known sith that got burned) trained by Kreia who would become Darth Traya. he started with a group he called the "revanchist" against the mandalorian empire and succeeded to defeat the most terrible army of that time, later in a mission with his friend Malak they discovered a sith empire ruled by Emperor Tenebrae/Vitiate and corrupted both of the young Jedis mind, turning them into tools for the Dark side. however they got released from his control but not without results... they adopted the name "Darth" and became sith lords, studying every possible art of the sith at their disposal. with his new power the already powerful jedi became an even more powerful sith. he builded an empire to declare war against the republic and nearly succeeded in conquering the republic if at th end Darth Malak woudn`t have betrayed him. he later forgot his past as a sith and found redemption(like another sith who got burned) and exterminated Malak`s empire securing the galaxy. later he went and tried to stop th "true sith" which was no other than emperor Tenebrae/Vitiate but failed in defeating the dark lord. you may say "Revan is a freaking jedi dude" but he at the end became both a lightsider and a darksider user and is considered one of the most powerful sith of all time for his wide range of techniques, force manipulation and consider by many as the most gifted student of his time. his legacy as a sith perdures since he left a holocron of data and knowledge which was passed to a sith much time later and is one of the reasons he became so powerful... this sith is no other than Darth Bane.

another one of the top dawgs here. Darth Bane is possibly the most abused sith in novels and comics due to their high quality but that's another story his childhood is really tragic, he was born as Dessel in poor mining family, his mother died when conceiving him and thus his father treated him badly often beating him for no reason, during his adolescence his drunk father tried to fight him and beat Dessel so badly he broke his ribs. filled with hate he dreamed into killing his father and did so with the force unconsciously. during his youth he enrolled in the sith academy known as the brotherhood of darkness, Dessel however did badly and barely excelled at anything..... he read old files of the sith and noticed that the brotherhood had betrayed many concepts of the past among them the term of "Darth" which got banned during that age. Dessel argued but he only got kicked out of the brotherhood. with the name of bane he considered the brotherhood and other factions as pseudo sith for he considered them unfaithful and weak. after traveling long and gaining new knowledge he met a young girl name Rain and made her his aprentice Darth Zannah. with the holocron of Darth Revan he made a new theory : the rule of two. which consisted in basically only having 2 sith lords an apprentice and a master, the master would teach and give the student power while the student would become strong and when he became Strong enough he defy the master for his tittle. Bane was also a very powerful Force user and a good Lightsaber fighter only exceled at sith sorcery by Darth Zannah. he is the founder of the modern sith. the reason bane is here is quiet simple he is the founder of modern sith and basically he started an orderly rule without anarchy or disorder. he was also very faithful to the sith philosophy
i will say something that might be disturbing here about him.... when he was born he never cried, neither he laughted, animals fled from him and he killed his foster father with the force when he was six by breaking his neck, tortured mentally his mother at the same age for weeks and killed his father the sith Lord Dramath at 10... so he is monster since no other sith can become so powerful form an early age and still he became the ruler of planet Nathema when dark lord of sith Marka Ragnos granted him so. he basicallly withdrew in Nathema to study the darkside to become strong. he invited some sith lords to discuss certain matters of interest with the idea of draining not only the life force of the lords, but from the entire planet and its population, this gave him immortality. he was so powerful that he controled the likes of Revan and Malak and still overpowered them quiete easely. he has live for more than 4 milleniums and has aknowledge everything of the dark side. the only reason he is not first is that ghe took 300 years to MAKE AN INVASION with the excuse "when the time comes" thus postdating everything every time.
i know some guys that might be Reading this predicted this since :"George said he is the strongest sith lord ever" but that doesn`t matter here. the reason he is placed so high is because he freaking took the galaxy and destroyed the jedi and made the chosen one his apprentice, however who really planned all of this was Darth Bane and he only manifested the last part of it. still he was crazily strong with the force and a formidable lightsaber combatant, so neither he is to be underestimated, the reason most people say he is weak is because in return of the jedi Vader basically grabbed him and tossed him like nothing, however in the comics his power is greatly increased and make him change from an old guy that tosses lightnings to a slaughterhouse. still he was the emperor and the supreme evil on the films. the reason is simple he was much successful than the guys above him in conquering the galaxy.
that was tiring for sure... still i liked to do it and enjoyed having to write all of that, the sad part is that i have a bunch of siths trying to kill me for not choosing them... so if i continue to live farewell see u next week.
Darth Sidious: i think he made a correct list
everyone except Sidious and Nebur: both of you are so screwed.....
darth Sidious gives Nebur a check for his fixed realistic list....
Darth Vader:: would you stop talking thrash and say it`s me pityful worm? i am the chosen one by the way.
Darth Nihilus: i guess he refers to me since he has my pick in his facebook profile and you get nowhere when you are basically a cyborg with no legs and burned more than a chicken.
Darth Sidious: of course not! i was the emperor of the galaxy and i truly deserve the title, and George Lucas stated i am the STRONGEST sith lord ever! take that bitches!
Darth Bane: i am the sith` ari and i am basically Anakin and Sidious master so i win punks! BTW i moved a moon with the force.
Darth Nihilus: i ate a planet with the whole population there, so where is your moon moving feat now baldy?
Darth Revan: well i was a jedi master, dark lord of the sith and star of KOTOR while wearing a badass mask. and i did all of these at 30. say something Palp?
Emperor Tenebrae/Vitiate: well i kicked your puny ass Revan. so take it traitor.
Darth Traya: unless Nebur wants to get attacked by feminists he will surely vote for me, by the way i was the teacher of Revan and fought with not 2 but 3 lightsabers!
Darth Vader: well the exile kicked your ass old lady so take it! by the way i`m the face of star wars and protagonist of the films so even when i`m not the strongest i am the most famous one.
Darth Bane: the reason Sidious and you are strong is thanks to me, if i hadn`t founded the rule of two you wouldn`t be here.
Darth Revan: the reason you became so strong Bane is because you read my books and holocrons.. plus your apprentice/foster daughter took you down....
Darth Nihilus: you are not even a Sith in first place, second you turned to the light/pussy side of the force... and i would certainly kicked your ass.
Marka Ragnos: all right barbies i was the first uber sith in chronology, started a sith empire and kept it. i am nearly a messiah for sith that has lived in the myths for millenniums. i am the beginning of the end.
Darth Sidious: i freaking took down the jedi and became a galactic tyrant plus Lucas stated i`m, the strongest! please accept that if you have a brain!
Darth Maul: so again they are trolling about: Sidious is the strongest cuz Lucas said so, Nihilus ate a planet, Vader is the chosen one, Bane has may novels and founded modern sith, that Revan is freaking cool, ect..... why i don`t even get a mention?
everyone except Maul: maul you suck like Nebur`s grammar and you are weak as hell so GTFOU moron! you can`t even do force lightning!
Nebur: stop it! sorry to have said that but the thing got out of control here. i will choose the GREATEST not the STRONGEST in a base of terms i have been formulating a long time ago. i will try to be as neutral as possible and as cunning as possible. i really feel sorry for this massive trolling you see here, the thing is that we sith are like this and yes i`m a sith! alright let`s begin!
i do not own Star wars nor any character,pictures or techniques or objects related to them. they are property of George Lucas and i`m only doing this for fun and educational purposes.
i will rank these Sith`s in their skills from highest to lowest in a value of 10 top lords in each category.
note thet this is just my opinion and is no point to be interpreted as law or canon, if you differ it`s OK since we all have different opinions and ideas so:
Darth Nihilus
Emperor Tenebrae/Lord Vitiate
Darth Revan
Darth Plaeguis
Darth Sidious
Marka Ragnos
Darth Bane
Darth Traya
Exar Kun
Naga Sadow
Lightsaber skills:
Darth Revan
Exar Kun
Darth Traya
Darth Sidious
Darth Caedus
Darth Zannah
Darth Vader pre Mustafar
Darth Bane
Darth Tyrannus
Naga Sasow
Intelligence(note this can be military,political,philosophy,mechanic,onto logic,strategic and many others):
Darth Bane
Darth Sidious
Darth Plaeguis
Darth Revan
Darth Traya
Naga Sadow
Exar Kun
Emperor Tenebrae/Lord Vitiate
Darth Tyranus
Darth Andeddu
Resources(military,allies or whatever gives them an advantage for an all out war):
Darth Sidious after becoming galactic emperor
Emperor Tenebrae/Lord Vitiate
Darth Revan
Darth Vader after Sidious became emperor
Darth Krayt
Darth Traya
Darth Tyranus
Marka Ragnos( solo low because his resources are obsolete)
Naga Sadow(same thing like Marka)
Exar Kun(somewhat modern but not enough to be up there)
The list
the time we all have expected to see who is the top dawg in the sith history is to begin now
for those of you who don`t even know why he is here is because of this:HE IS THE ORIGINAL DARK JEDI AND FATHER OF THE SITH! i mean without his corruption all the other sith woudn`t be here in first place, despite not being able to rival modern jedi or sith, neither having vast resources or an overpower control in the force he is still the one who created what would be the sith.
Darth Nihilus
Darth Vader
first of all i have nothing against Anakin. he could have the potential to become the most powerful force user ever in history but didn`t because we all know what happened. he is the very image of star wars just think in vader and you may remember the films immediately. about his strenght i won`t lie, he can`t do force lightning because he lost his limbs and has lost a wide base Midichlorians not to mention his lightsaber style became much slower and relied much on raw force. still he is the best known sith and icon of star wars and thus deserves to be here. still Ani has done some impressive feats in the comic like destroying building, stopping energy shots, cause madness, read minds but, still he is a weak sith lord.
Marka Ragnos
OK, the pretty guy abovce me is Marka Ragnos a very powerful sith lord who ruled in "the golden age of the sith" he ihybrid of human and sith(species). the fact i place Marka here is because he was the absolute boss during his period of rule, no one dared to to defy him much less to fight him. the opposition against him was charged with death. the fact he is here is because that when he was alive the sith had an age of prosperity and peace, his death however brought calamities and a struggle for power in the council. he is of extreme importance in the sith history. even after being a 5000 ABY sith he is remembered and honored by certain sith. his power is legendary but, he has never battled in media.
Naga Sadow
another dark lord that comes from 5000 ABY Naga becomes a dark lord of the sith after the death of the former dark lod Marka Ragnos. during the fight for the throne he struggled the power with Ludo Kreesh both being considered the peak of sith after the death of Ragnos. this brought a bitter rivalry between the two since Sadow wanted an expantionistic rule with reformatory issues and Ludo wanted a more conservative and limited rule. they fought in the tomb of Marka Ragnos during his funeral and Ragnos appeared to them just to say :"don`t waste time fighting yourselves or you will destroy what i build". however the council eventually chose Kreesh as dark lord, enraged by this Nga released some republic explorers they captured earlier and told the council that the republic released them in an act of war, after this the council named Sadow Dark lord of the sith. Sadow started an invasion to every part of the republic simultaneously and nearly destroyed it. Sadow in my opinion is placed so high because he nearly DESTROYED THE REPUBLIC and was very powerful, however due to his reckless behavior and selfish goals he ended destroying Markas`s empire.
Darth Revan
another one of my favorites! Revan was basically a genius on everything he did. he was a master pilot, stategist, general, mechanic, philosopher, student, master, jaed and sith. when he was very young he started as a jedi (like a well known sith that got burned) trained by Kreia who would become Darth Traya. he started with a group he called the "revanchist" against the mandalorian empire and succeeded to defeat the most terrible army of that time, later in a mission with his friend Malak they discovered a sith empire ruled by Emperor Tenebrae/Vitiate and corrupted both of the young Jedis mind, turning them into tools for the Dark side. however they got released from his control but not without results... they adopted the name "Darth" and became sith lords, studying every possible art of the sith at their disposal. with his new power the already powerful jedi became an even more powerful sith. he builded an empire to declare war against the republic and nearly succeeded in conquering the republic if at th end Darth Malak woudn`t have betrayed him. he later forgot his past as a sith and found redemption(like another sith who got burned) and exterminated Malak`s empire securing the galaxy. later he went and tried to stop th "true sith" which was no other than emperor Tenebrae/Vitiate but failed in defeating the dark lord. you may say "Revan is a freaking jedi dude" but he at the end became both a lightsider and a darksider user and is considered one of the most powerful sith of all time for his wide range of techniques, force manipulation and consider by many as the most gifted student of his time. his legacy as a sith perdures since he left a holocron of data and knowledge which was passed to a sith much time later and is one of the reasons he became so powerful... this sith is no other than Darth Bane.
Darth Bane
another one of the top dawgs here. Darth Bane is possibly the most abused sith in novels and comics due to their high quality but that's another story his childhood is really tragic, he was born as Dessel in poor mining family, his mother died when conceiving him and thus his father treated him badly often beating him for no reason, during his adolescence his drunk father tried to fight him and beat Dessel so badly he broke his ribs. filled with hate he dreamed into killing his father and did so with the force unconsciously. during his youth he enrolled in the sith academy known as the brotherhood of darkness, Dessel however did badly and barely excelled at anything..... he read old files of the sith and noticed that the brotherhood had betrayed many concepts of the past among them the term of "Darth" which got banned during that age. Dessel argued but he only got kicked out of the brotherhood. with the name of bane he considered the brotherhood and other factions as pseudo sith for he considered them unfaithful and weak. after traveling long and gaining new knowledge he met a young girl name Rain and made her his aprentice Darth Zannah. with the holocron of Darth Revan he made a new theory : the rule of two. which consisted in basically only having 2 sith lords an apprentice and a master, the master would teach and give the student power while the student would become strong and when he became Strong enough he defy the master for his tittle. Bane was also a very powerful Force user and a good Lightsaber fighter only exceled at sith sorcery by Darth Zannah. he is the founder of the modern sith. the reason bane is here is quiet simple he is the founder of modern sith and basically he started an orderly rule without anarchy or disorder. he was also very faithful to the sith philosophy
Emperor Tenebrae/Vitiate
i will say something that might be disturbing here about him.... when he was born he never cried, neither he laughted, animals fled from him and he killed his foster father with the force when he was six by breaking his neck, tortured mentally his mother at the same age for weeks and killed his father the sith Lord Dramath at 10... so he is monster since no other sith can become so powerful form an early age and still he became the ruler of planet Nathema when dark lord of sith Marka Ragnos granted him so. he basicallly withdrew in Nathema to study the darkside to become strong. he invited some sith lords to discuss certain matters of interest with the idea of draining not only the life force of the lords, but from the entire planet and its population, this gave him immortality. he was so powerful that he controled the likes of Revan and Malak and still overpowered them quiete easely. he has live for more than 4 milleniums and has aknowledge everything of the dark side. the only reason he is not first is that ghe took 300 years to MAKE AN INVASION with the excuse "when the time comes" thus postdating everything every time.
Darth Sidious
i know some guys that might be Reading this predicted this since :"George said he is the strongest sith lord ever" but that doesn`t matter here. the reason he is placed so high is because he freaking took the galaxy and destroyed the jedi and made the chosen one his apprentice, however who really planned all of this was Darth Bane and he only manifested the last part of it. still he was crazily strong with the force and a formidable lightsaber combatant, so neither he is to be underestimated, the reason most people say he is weak is because in return of the jedi Vader basically grabbed him and tossed him like nothing, however in the comics his power is greatly increased and make him change from an old guy that tosses lightnings to a slaughterhouse. still he was the emperor and the supreme evil on the films. the reason is simple he was much successful than the guys above him in conquering the galaxy.
final words
that was tiring for sure... still i liked to do it and enjoyed having to write all of that, the sad part is that i have a bunch of siths trying to kill me for not choosing them... so if i continue to live farewell see u next week.
Darth Sidious: i think he made a correct list
everyone except Sidious and Nebur: both of you are so screwed.....
darth Sidious gives Nebur a check for his fixed realistic list....
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