
Friday, June 8, 2012

the situation of Yu-gi-oh! in Honduras

well hello my friends from Celestial elyseum. the porpouse of this post is to express the situation that the very well known game of Yu-gi-oh! is passing in my country Honduras, the reason i want to express this is to clear out to the world what we live here with the card game, i really love the game i won`t lie. the fact is that here in my country we have a lack of both an oficcial card store (you get these cards from random guys in the "locals") and we don`t even have locals here, we just bounce from a fast food restaurant to another until the administration of the restaurant kicks us out. i really don`t care wether they play but i hate the fact that in my country you can only get cards from the secondary market at hight prices. most children can`t afford such quantities which makes the game exclusive to teenagers or grown ups(by the way i`m one of the youngest playing thisXD and i`m 19 XD). the fact that if you go to the locals basically what they do is to trade and not card-card but, card-cash which has made the game here quite an elitism thing(i`m not rich so i can`t buy many packs or cards) which many people can`t afford. the representator of Konami in Honduras has lied to the company telling there is an official store in a mall which is not true, you can only buy the packs in a little store which sells things really hight or in the secondary market in the "locals". this post is sended with the fact to wake up people from honduras in an attempt to clean this game from corrruption and monopoly from the older ones here. Konami they have lied you in your face, the game state is bad here since only rich brats can play and middle class barely and that`s it we play like nomads without a fixed place here. so after all this i want to tell you if you play Yu-gi-oh! in Honduras either you may only play with your neightbor who has cards or with no one. and if you wanna get in you must pay absurds quantities to play. i know this format is expensive due to dino rabbit, Inzektor and wind ups (which here are very few the people who use them) but here is just atrocious.... i`m not butthurt since i don`t run meta decks but what really bothers me is the fact the game is no longer fun and iso nly a business thing for a little gang there. if you`re not from Honduras you may not even have read this or simply don`t care but i just had to express this.

this is all God bless you my friends.

by el drago.

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