The morningstar Lucemon
Good morning/evening/night
(depending which time you might be Reading this) my friends from underworld. It
is my honor to present a work which i`ve really enjoyed to do about one of my
favorite digimon ever his name is Lucemon which comes from the name Lucifer
which is the name of the fallen angel in judeo-christian mythology. But, before
i start i want tos ay that it`s a pleasure and not a pest t oread your opinions
so comment what you please if any suggestions/insults/note/congratulations or
advertising. So without further filler let`s start.
In first place lucemon is the
strongest angel digimon that appears in the digimon frontier anime(in all
forms) as the most powerful demon lord and leader of them(someday i`ll write
about the demon lords ) and as a minor
antagonist in digimon xros wars. Lucemon is a very peculiar digimon since his
rookie state which is basically the same category as Agumon and Gabumon is so
overwhelmingly powerful tht it can effortlessly beat megas, an example of this
is that in digimon frontier Lucemon stalemated with 10 megas! Which no other
rookie could ever aspire. Another peculiarity of Lucemon is that it doesn`t
have a champion stage so it automatically enters the ultímate stage. His
ultímate stage is even more powerful and instead of being a holy angel he
becomes a mixture of an angel an a demon since his bio states: “he is a mixture
of light and darkness, he loves the world as much as God but, he wants to
destroy it like Satan wants to due to his chaotic and contradictory nature”.
His mega stage is the most powerful form of Lucemon and completely loses any
good and holy atribute it once had becoming the devil completely unbound….
There is another mega stage of lucemon which becomes a Larva and in fact is the
weakest of them all since it doesn`t have any good moves and can only basically
control his satan form. But i will comment more data about all of lucy`s forms
and his apperances as a minor carácter in digimon xros wars to his apperance as
the final antagonist in digimon frontier.
Flight: he can fly.
Psichic powers: he can telepatically speak to others and move
objects with his mind.
Genius level intelect: Lucemon besides hi vast power is also very smart and
Space warp:
he can enter any realm in the digimonverse by simple will.
Soul corruption:
he can corrupt the soul of even the purest and kindhearted digimon,this is
evidenced as how he corrupted one of the three great angels Cherubimon.
Energy manipulator/absorber: he can absorb
and manipúlate energy at will.
Grand Cross: creates a miniature versión of the solar
sistem with his hands and throws it, this attack has the capacity of destroying
a moon from the digital world by just hitting it, it`s charge time is
relativily fast
Lucemon fallen mode
speed: he is really fast in both attack speed and movement
speed, this is evidenced in his lost Paradise punch in which he movbes insanely
strenght: he is phisically strong enought to easely overpower
and carry heavy digimon. Another evidence of his strenght is evidenced again in
his attack lost Paradise punch in which he actually destroyed a moon of the
digital world with it.
he can still traspass dimensions easely.
level intelect: Lucemon keeps his inteligence and vast
endurance: he can withstand hits from both MagnaGarurumon and
KaiserGreymon without even a scratch.
and darkness control: in his earlier stage he was only able
to control and do light-based attack now he can do Light and darkness attacks.
lost punch: Launches the opponent high into the air with
a wild dance of blows, then holds their limbs fixed as it drives them back into
the ground.
Ultimate Sacrifice (Dead or Alive):
Produces a three-dimensional magic square as a glowing orb of Light and
Darkness and traps the opponent within this orb, which has a 50/50 chance of
either completely annihilating them, or merely inflicting massive damage
Grand Cross[6]: Fires ten super-heated
spheres of light arranged in a cruciform syzygy, a technique more powerful than
Seraphimon's "Strike of the Seven Stars".
Lucemon Satan mode
Originally he was meant to be called Behemon which
comes from the name Behemot a mythical beast in the judean mythology but, at
the end Lucemon shadowlord/satan mode was chosen.
is the final form of Lucemon in which he is completely corrupted with darkness
there is no light in him not anymore… he is considered contrary to his child
form the purest form of sin and darkness. In his back he holds the seven
symbols you may be looking to the left in his back with diferent colors. They
represent the seven deadly sins wich are:
Despite he is the strongest form of Lucy he is nothing
else tan a mad beast wich lacks knowledge and intelligence due to being only
raw power and hate. His powers are incredibly strong and nearly unbeatable
unless his weakness which is not himself but what the Gehenna he carries in his
arms lies within…
Lucemon Satan modes heals very fast.
endurance: he can effortlessly feel an attack from a lower
level digimon.
he can fly.
strenght: due to his enormous size he gained much more
phisical strenght.
Tide of Despair[8]
(Purgatorial Flame): Exhales flames of destruction which purify
everything it touches.
Maelstrom (Divine Atonement): Fires a light of annihilation from the
seven Crowns to all directions,has the ability to destroy great part of the
already anihilated digital world.
Slasher: Slashes the enemy with his large claws.
Lucemon larva mode

controler of the satan mode: he can control Lucemon satan mode so that it
doesn`t become a berserk beast and Works as his brain.
Genious level intelect: hekeeps knowedge and satan mode keeps raw power.
Flight: he
can fly.
Great endurance:despite
not being as resistant as his other forms he withstood a blow from susanoomon
and survived.
In first place i want to
clear out that there are no official names for his attacks but he made moves which i will now name(note thes names are
unofficial so they are not “real” moves). :
Sting of doom:
fires multiple bullet-like shots from his sting
Final impale:
impales his sting in his oponent.
Role in
digimon frontier

To conquer the human world in an act of revenge, however the digidestined fought him in group(the morons didn`t even avolved to susanoomon duh!) but were beaten up easely. Later due to the power of plot and protagonism and yeah the three useless and grand angels gave the kids the power to evolve in a stronger Susanoomon (in which the kids fused and were naked in Susanoomon`s mind) and fought Lucemon Satan mode. After a fierce battle Susanoomon figured it out that the satan mode was only a puppet with no mind which tried to distract him from his true form. Susanoomon entered the Gehenna and hitted Lucemon larva mode in his face taking him out from the Gehenna and making Lucemon Satan mode go berserk but Susanoomon ended him with the Celestial blade, but Lucemon Satan mode attacked him with his sting and implade Susanoomon in it so that he could at least kill him but Susanoomon defused into the ten ancient warriors and each oe hitted him with their blade ending Lucemon for good.
Ido not own Digimon ar
Lucemon and i`m not the owner of any images here i only added the comments
below them, this information is only for educational and recreative porpouses.
Final words
As you may be used i only
say a couple of final things in each post so here i go: thanks for Reading this
(if you read in first place) and your support for the blog, i hope you can
enjoy this as much i did doing it so from the bottom of my black and cold heart
thank you. Please post anything you please being sugestions,insults or
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